"The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, word and behavior affects our greater health and well-being. And we, in turn, are affected not only emotionally but also physically and spiritually."—Greg Anderson

The World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity." 2 The most common misconception about wellness is that it is about physical fitness and diet alone. While nutrition and physical fitness are vital, they are only two components of wellness. Being well means so much more than what you eat or how much you weigh. It is about the whole person. Every aspect of our lives is interconnected. 1 Take, for example, you just had a healthy breakfast and left for work. On the way, there is some road construction, causing a traffic backup. You start thinking (your mind) that you will be late again, and the boss will not believe that it was not your fault today. You become anxious and fearful, then you become angry (your emotions) and start blowing the car horn, your head begins to hurt, and you suddenly feel drained of energy (your body). The scenario I describe should give you an idea of how the functioning of other areas is affected when something goes wrong in one area of our lives. When we pay attention to our choices from one moment to the next, we can choose our actions on purpose, allowing us to experience high levels of wellness.

For the most part, we are responsible for our health and wellness. That does not mean that our genetics or toxic environments, do not play a role. However, our emotional and lifestyle choices determine our health and well-being more than any other factors. 1 Conscious living means becoming aware of all the choices we have. We do not have to live our lives on autopilot. Are your choices giving you the results you desire? If not, you are free to change them.

For a free wheel of life assessment go to: wheeloflife.io

On a scale of one to ten, rank how satisfied you are in each area of your life, then shade in the area. The completed wheel of life gives you an idea of what areas of your life might need some work, improving all the other areas. As you look at the completed wheel, listen to what God is telling you and how He is leading you in the different areas.

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  1. Arloski, M. (2014). Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change - Second Edition (Second ed.). Whole Person Associates.
  2. who.int/about/governance/constitution


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