Wipe The Slate Clean and Start Fresh

Whether breaking a habit or an addiction, changing jobs, losing weight, saving money, or something else you have given up on achieving, know that there are no rules that say you can’t wipe the slate clean and start fresh. If reaching your goal means so much to you that you can’t be happy unless you succeed, don’t give up.

Whose Permission do You Need for a Fresh Start?

The only permission you need is yours. Too often, we make decisions about our lives based on other people’s opinions. You are the expert on your own life. Follow the decision that gives you peace. Surround yourself with people who encourage and energize you. Consider getting the support of a coach or mentor..
Live a Life That is Meaningful to You

We let shame and fear enter in because of what we perceive others would say or think of us if we fail at something. Whose life are you living? Suppose your world consisted only of inanimate objects incapable of expressing opinions and making judgments. Would you feel ashamed or stop trying when you failed to get the desired outcome? Mahatma Gandhi said, "I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." To live freely is to live on your terms based on your values and not intentionally hurting others.

 Get a New Outlook or Perspective

To a large extent, our negative thinking or mindset about failure came from people who influenced us. In her book on mindset, Carol Dweck talks about how a child challenges himself to learn new skills like walking. He gets up and keeps trying if he falls, not fearing humiliation. Later in life, the child evaluates himself by what he was taught, which could be that mistakes are part of the learning process, and there is no need to feel ashamed or that he is a failure unless he succeeds. How would your life change if you viewed mistakes and failures as opportunities to learn, grow, and become more resilient? John Maxwell’s quote, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional,” applies whether we miss the mark or succeed. Failure only defines us if, through fear, we stop trying.

Be Your Greatest Encourager

Even when discouraged, maintain a spirit of gratitude—practice self-love and forgiveness instead of self-judgment. Choose a few encouraging words to describe yourself and repeat them to yourself daily. I chose the words “contented, caring, positive and perseverant.”

In my next blog on "fresh start", I will share some strategies for managing change. Thank you for visiting my blog. I would love to hear from you.


  1. Very well done Ann! Keep them coming. I'm also very inspired by your fresh start post.
    Susan K.

    1. "Your inspiring comment is greatly appreciated, and it motivates me to keep posting more content. Thank you!"


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