The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. — Mark Twain

Identifying our life's purpose and expressing it to ourselves and others can be a significant challenge. The Japanese concept of ikigai (ee-key-guy) refers to the reason or purpose behind "why you wake up in the morning." It combines two words, iki, meaning "life", and gai, meaning "value."

The philosophy of ikigai emphasizes four key areas for identifying one's purpose: what we love, what we're good at, what we can be paid for, and what the world needs. These aspects combine to make life worth living. Our passion connects us to a purpose that not only brings personal fulfillment but goes beyond that to meet the needs of others.

Flow is a pleasurable state of being that immerses us in the present moment, enhancing our creativity, productivity, and happiness. When we experience flow, we become so absorbed in what we're doing that we lose track of time. Recognizing these moments can help us identify our purpose in life.

To find our purpose, we should focus on what we're passionate about, take things slowly, be grateful for what we have, and live in the moment. Ikigai brings meaning and purpose to life, and has been linked to improved physical health and mental well-being. Research shows it can boost the immune system, increase lifespan, reduce anxiety, and enhance resilience.

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You can also check out a video on the Fixes 4 You channel regarding this topic:


Gaines, J., PhD, & Gaines, J., PhD. (2023, October 3).
The Philosophy of Ikigai: 3 Examples about Finding Purpose.

Hui, V. K., & Fung, H. H. (2009).
Mortality anxiety as a function of intrinsic religiosity and perceived purpose in life. Death Studies, 33, 30-50.

Ishida, R. (2011).
Enormous earthquake in Japan: Coping with stress using purpose-in life/ikigai.
Psychology, 2, 773-776

Mogi, K. (2018).
Awakening your ikigai: How the Japanese wake up to joy and purpose every day. The Experiment.


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