Therapeutic Humor

Patient to therapist : "Talking to your receptionist made me feel so much better, I'm canceling my appointment!"

- Bill Whitehead

My therapist told me to write letters to the people who you hate and burn them later. I did that. But now what should I do with the letters?

- unknown

Therapist: We need to deal with this constant need of yours to please others.
Client: Sure if it makes you happy!

- unknown

"I'm learning how to relax, doctor-- but I want to relax better and faster! I want to be on the cutting edge of relaxation!"

- Randy Glasbergen

Therapist: Love yourself.
Patient: I'm not my type.

- unknown

Santa goes to a therapist : "No, I'm not interested in exploring the meaning of my existence; I just want to know whether I actually exist."

- Victor Yalom

Therapist: Your wife has complained that you never buy her flowers, what do you say to that?
Patient: To be honest, I had no idea my wife even sold flowers.

- unknown

"Why should I settle for good self-esteem when, with the right medication, I could have great self-esteem."

- B. Smaller

I told my therapist that no one understands me.
She said, "What do you mean by that?"

- unknown

"You were right. My self-esteem has improved since I've begun dressing like a doctor."

- Dan Piraro

Things My Therapist Says That Make Me Angry:
“Exercise does wonders for depression”!
“You’re of course aware that alcohol is a depressant?”
“Maybe we shouldn’t consider medication and just stick to exercise.”
“You’re of course aware that marijuana can be a depressant?”
“You seem angry.”
“I no longer take Blue Shield.”

- Sofiya Alexandra

Welcome to shrink in the box, can I take your disorder?

- unknown

Client on couch talking to therapist: "I told you, Doctor, nothing's bothering me. I just want a nice, quiet place to take a nap in the afternoon that my insurance will pay for."

- unknown

I go to therapy just so someone will talk to me without looking at their phone.

- Patrick Walsh

I go to therapy to deal with people who don’t go to therapy

- Lauren Bishop

"My one-man band is breaking up."

- unknown

"It's like you haven't heard a single thing I've thought."

- unknown

"Look at you- folding the laundry two days before couples therapy."

- Harry Bliss

Man takes his pets to therapy : "My pets found out they were adopted."

- Victoria Roberts

"Life isn't fair! Most of the stuff I worried about over the years never even happened!"

- unknown

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I wish you all the best, and may you always find reasons to smile.



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